Plus size workwear

Plus size workwear 2018

It’s that time of year when many of us are heading back to work, or maybe starting a new job (or looking for one), so it’s time to talk about officewear. As you know, I work from home (sometimes in my pyjamas) and I work in a creative industry rather than a corporate one, so even when I have meetings I don’t need to dress in the same way as someone who is in an office all the time. I do love helping other people find clothes they feel confident in though, and I’m pretty adept at browing the shops for clothing options, so let’s talk plus size workwear. View Post

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My workwear picks

Plus size workwear

I get so many people asking me where to find plus size workwear that I thought I’d scout out some ideas for you. As you know, I work from home and my days of dressing for the office are over, but I do really enjoy helping other people finding clothes they feel confident and awesome in, so let’s do this.

There are a lot of different dress codes out there when it comes to office outfits – some people have to have their shoulders covered; some must wear a suit; some can be as out there as they like. Then there’s the combination of what you want to wear – a blouse and tailored trousers, a skirt with a top, a blazer, a matching suit, a dress, with stockings or without? View Post

Posts may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, your cost will be the same but This is Meagan Kerr will automatically receive a small commission. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps us spread our message!

Winter Coats

Plus size coats for cold, windy and wet winter weatherPin this image on Pinterest

Ahh winter. Depending on where you are, it can be cold, windy, or wet… and if you live where I do it can be all three in one day! I’ve had lots of people asking me about coats for winter (especially waterproof ones!), so I’ve done a bit of hunting and found options for all kinds of weather. Grab a cup of tea and take a look. View Post

Posts may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, your cost will be the same but This is Meagan Kerr will automatically receive a small commission. Your support is greatly appreciated and helps us spread our message!

Wardrobe Staples: Save vs Splurge

Wardrobe staples for any budget - save vs splurgePin this image on Pinterest

When it comes to wardrobe staples, I think that you can find something great no matter what budget you’re working with. I’ve picked out five of my must have wardrobe items and found an option that’s luxe and one that’s less expensive, so you can decide where you’re going to save and where you’ll splurge. View Post

Style Inspiration: Callie Thorpe

This is Meagan Kerr plus size style steal - Callie ThorpePin this image on Pinterest

The concept of celebrity is a really strange one to me, and often when people talk about celebrities I don’t know who they are (fun fact: I only found out who Beyoncé was a couple of years ago when people were talking about her in my office). When the theme of “celebrity style” came up for the NZ Style Curvettes outfit challenge I was a bit stuck, so I decided to steal the style of one of my fellow blogger babes. View Post

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