I had thought to write something deep and meaningful to go along with this outfit post, maybe something about how I feel wearing clothes that leave me so exposed. Tight clothes that show my VBO, a short skirt that shows my legs, a sleeveless top that leaves my arms bare. View Post
Autumn Days
I’m very much an autumn person. I love the autumn weather, when it’s warm but not too hot, and days are still long; when leaves start to turn red and fall from trees (do you know how satisfying it is to stomp through crunchy autumn leaves?). I love the colours of autumn, both the colours in nature and in fashion. Blacks, greys, deep reds, mustards, burnt oranges, navy blues … that is my kind of colour palette (no matter what time of year it is). View Post
The Kate Midington Skirt
Have you ever found an item of clothing that you love to wear so much that you wish you could have it in every colour? That’s how I feel about the Kate Midington skirt from Society+. I got to wear it for an upcoming project that I’m part of (more details about that to come next week) and now I am obsessed! View Post
Plus size workwear
I’m lucky in that my current job doesn’t have a dress code. When it comes to workwear, most of the time if I’m working from home I’m wearing pyjama pants or leggings because if I’m not comfortable I find it hard to concentrate on writing. If I’m heading out to meet with someone or to an event I’ll dress up, it’s always fun picking an outfit now that I don’t have to wear a uniform or comply with an office dress code. View Post
Melbourne Fashion Week Plus 2016

The start of the queue for Melbourne Fashion Week Plus
I’ve just spent the last couple of weeks in Melbourne for Melbourne Fashion Week Plus and holy moly, it was an experience and a half! I saw beautiful clothes, I felt a lot of fabric and I met some truly wonderful people. My post-Melbourne blues are setting in, so I thought this would be a good time to share what the MFW+ part of my trip was like. In one word: inspiring. View Post