The weather is warming up, so I thought I’d put together some of my fave pieces to keep cool in while still looking hot! This seemed like a great idea at the time, but now I just want a whole bunch of things while I’m on a self-imposed shopping ban. Oh the torture!
“I refuse to set an example for children that pretty clothes and looking gorgeous is the exclusive domain of slim women. We all have the absolute right – and I would argue, obligation – to present ourselves in the way that makes us feel happy, regardless of size. A society where people are forced to be miserable and walk around in lumpy, shapeless, unflattering and depressing clothes is a society I want nothing to do with!”
Hey, my name is Allie Bee. I wanted to take part in this project to prove to myself that I can be comfortable in my own skin and in the hope that it would inspire other people to be happy with the way they look and embrace it the same way as the girls and I did at the photo shoot. I was nervous but I am glad I did it and I had so much fun!
No matter what size you are, what shape your body is, or what the number on the scale says, you are worth loving. By others and, more importantly, by yourself.