Shower at Lush

New Zealand plus size blogger Meagan Kerr using Lush Shower Jelly - TwilightPin this image on Pinterest

When you think of Lush, are bath bombs the first thing that spring to mind? I wouldn’t be surprised – they’re pretty well known for their incredible bath products. Every time I mention Lush, I inevitably have someone tell me they don’t have a bath at home, or they don’t have the time to take a bath. I completely understand that. Baths are a real luxury in our house (both in terms of time and my water bill!) but I’m still a massive Lush fangirl. View Post

Some of the items mentioned in this post were gifted to me by Lush, but as always these are my honest opinions.

My Skincare Routine | Dry + Sensitive Skin

Meagan Kerr's Skincare Routine for Dry and Sensitive SkinPin this image on Pinterest

It’s been a while since I last talked about my skincare routine, and lots of things have changed since then so it’s time for an update. My skin is often dry and sensitive (and even more so when the seasons are changing or I’m traveling a lot), so I’ve learned to stick with what works and not change products too often. It’s all cruelty free, and all of these are things I’ve been using for a while unless otherwise mentioned.  View Post

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Review: Lush Jungle Solid Conditioner

New Zealand plus size fashion blogger Meagan Kerr wears 17 Sundays Cartel Coated Denim Jacket / Weatherproof plus size jacketPin this image on Pinterest

I’ve had a love/hate relationship with solid shampoos and conditioners for quite a while now. I really like the idea of them but many of the ones I’ve tried just don’t give me the result I want and I’m yet to find one that I’ve loved enough to keep buying it – until I tried the Lush Jungle Solid Conditioner. View Post

Review: Lush Sleepy Body Lotion

Lush Sleepy Body Lotion ReviewPin this image on Pinterest

A whole bunch of people have noticed the Sleepy Body Lotion from Lush in pictures and videos of my bedroom, and have been asking me questions about it. I’ve been using it for almost a year now, so I thought maybe it was time I finally got around to writing a review.

I feel like I’m that girl who is forever on the hunt for the ultimate products to help me sleep, probably because I work super hard for way too many hours and then stay up until all hours watching Netflix/scrolling endlessly through social media. I know, it’s totally my own fault. One thing that helps me to relax and switch off is having a bedtime routine. Sitting down and applying the Sleepy Body Lotion before I go to bed helps me to moisturise my skin, get in touch with my body, and relax, all while doing something nice for myself. Ticking so many self care boxes! View Post

I tried this product courtesy of Lush but all opinions are (as always) my own.

Christmas in July

Lush Christmas in JulyPin this image on Pinterest

Thanks to living in the southern hemisphere where winter is in the middle of the year and we celebrate Christmas in summer, some people celebrate a mid-winter Christmas as well (um hello, do we need an excuse for Christmas dinner and mulled wine at two times of the year?!). There are a lot of companies that get on board with this, and my personal fave is Lush because it means we get some of the much loved Christmas treats in the middle of the year as well. Hurray! I went in to check out the new Queen Street flagship store and have a few of the Christmas in July treats that I wanted to show you as well. Bring on all the goodness. View Post

Lush is one of my very supportive blog partners, and the items featured in this video were gifted to me. As always, all opinions are my own.
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