I’m lucky in that my current job doesn’t have a dress code. When it comes to workwear, most of the time if I’m working from home I’m wearing pyjama pants or leggings because if I’m not comfortable I find it hard to concentrate on writing. If I’m heading out to meet with someone or to an event I’ll dress up, it’s always fun picking an outfit now that I don’t have to wear a uniform or comply with an office dress code. View Post
Win a $100 Live & Let Dye gift card
Giving my locks a new lease on life at Live & Let Dye
I had the pleasure of visiting Live & Let Dye salon in Mount Eden yesterday, for a colour appointment with Kirsty. It was my first visit to Live & Let Dye, and I am pleased to report that my experience was wonderful! I went in not really knowing what I wanted – which as I am sure you will have figured out by now is very unusual for me – and had a good chat to Kirsty and Michelle about what was important to me in terms of colour (low maintenance, because I’m a student and can’t afford to colour my hair as often as some looks require and something that will grow out okay without announcing to the world that I haven’t had my colour done in *ahem* five months).

You might think my hair naturally looks this fabulous, but no! It’s the magic of Kirsty at Live & Let Dye in Mount Eden, Auckland.
That’s right, I hadn’t coloured my hair in five months. Oh how my life has changed! The reason I decided to colour it again after so long is that I really like the way a fresh colour leaves my hair looking glossy and healthy. View Post