I have quite a few handbags (as in, so many I’m too embarrassed to count them). I tend to get one bag and use it over and over until something else catches my eye, which is why I rarely show you my handbags in my outfit photos unless there’s something new and exciting about them. I thought that for Aussie Curves Handbag week, I would show you my current favourite, with a wee sneak peek of what my handbag essentials are regardless of which bag I’m carrying.
Flannel shirts and flat caps
I’ve been in Rotorua over the last week for the Crankworx mountain biking festival, and decided to channel my inner mountain bike babe in skinny jeans, flannel checks and a flat cap. It’s a style that’s a little bit different from my usual girly look, but it really got me in the mood for wearing more checks this autumn and winter. And more flannel. And a cap. Oh dear, what’s happening to me?
I get super excited about meeting my blog readers, and after talking to Grace on Facebook I was thrilled when she told me that she was willing to step in front of my camera. She’s so friendly and bubbly in real life, that the moment I met her I felt like we had known each other for ages. I love having that kind of connection!
Wardrobe Investment Pieces
When it comes to my wardrobe I have three separate approaches. I have a whole bunch of basics that I’ve bought in really good quality, in fabrics that feel fabulous, and I wear them all the time. These wardrobe staples are my essentials and form the basis of most of my outfits. Then there are the trend based pieces – they’re often seasonal and range from cheap and cheerful to midrange pieces that I think will last well but aren’t what I’d call basics. And lastly, I have the investment pieces. Clothes that I’ve shelled out a bit more money for, because they were so fabulous I had to have them. I don’t have a lot of them, because hello – lady’s on a tight budget – but the ones I have I really cherish. View Post