Going to the gym

A fat Māori woman with lipoedema is sitting on a leg curl and extension machine in an empty gym. She is taking a selfie in a mirror.Pin this image on Pinterest

Exercising in a gym means I’m less likely to put off my workout if it’s cold or raining.

Gyms can be intimidating places – especially if you’re a fat person. I’m sure we’ve all seen the fatphobic advertising that some gyms use, know of people taking photos of other gym goers to make fun of them, or heard about trainers who shout at you until you cry, throw up or both. All of these things are vile, so it’s not surprising that a lot of people are really hesitant to go to the gym!

Despite all of these things I’ve found some really awesome gyms over the years, it’s just been a matter of finding the right one. Recently I’ve had a few people asking how to get started, so I thought I’d write a longform post for the gym-curious. View Post

Why do you exercise?

Why do you exercise? Image via Hello TilliePin this image on Pinterest

Image via Hello Tillie

There are a couple of misconceptions that really irk me when it comes to exercise – the first is that fat people don’t exercise and the other is that people only go to the gym to lose weight. *sigh* It’s one of those “where do I even start?” situations. View Post

Yoga tips for beginners

This is Meagan Kerr x Yoga With Me: Yoga For Beginners // Wall LungePin this image on Pinterest

There seems a misconception that yoga is only for a certain type of person, but the truth is that yoga is for everyone. No matter what your age, gender, size or background, yoga poses can be adapted for your ability. But where do you start out? I wanted to share a few yoga tips for beginners – I hope you find them helpful. View Post

Club Physical’s Body Shaming Ads

Club Physical Body Shaming AdPin this image on Pinterest

This is what you see when you visit Club Physical’s Facebook page at the moment. A message that tells you “you belong” while simultaneously body shaming. It’s not the first time Club Physical has employed body shaming in an attempt to get customers to join their gyms – I live near one and bear witness to their awful roadside advertising. In fact, it’s not even the first time that they’ve run an ad using this idea – their own website said it was their “second most offensive ad, as measured by complaints to the Advertising standards Authority. But it worked.” They’re proud of this behaviour. View Post

Who wears short shorts?

Plus Size Activewear - Meagan Kerr wears Hope and Harvest Anchor TeePin this image on Pinterest

I wear short shorts! I wear them at home when it’s crazy hot (which at the moment is all the damn time), I wear them when I do yoga, and I wear them for physio sessions. You might be thinking, “Now hang on a minute, I read Meagan’s blog all the time, and I’ve never seen her in shorts.” And you’d be right – because I have always felt weird about wearing shorts in public.

I know this isn’t particularly logical, especially given how comfortable I feel wearing swimsuits and sharing photos of myself in my underwear, but it’s something that’s been with me ever since I was at school. View Post

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