Club Physical’s Body Shaming Ads

Club Physical Body Shaming Ad

This is what you see when you visit Club Physical’s Facebook page at the moment. A message that tells you “you belong” while simultaneously body shaming. It’s not the first time Club Physical has employed body shaming in an attempt to get customers to join their gyms – I live near one and bear witness to their awful roadside advertising. In fact, it’s not even the first time that they’ve run an ad using this idea – their own website said it was their “second most offensive ad, as measured by complaints to the Advertising standards Authority. But it worked.” They’re proud of this behaviour. View Post

The importance of self confidence

self worth is so vital to your happiness if you dont feel good about you its hard to feel good about anything else

Self confidence is a pretty important thing – if you don’t have a good self image then it can impact so many areas of your life. I’m not just talking about whether or not you like your body, I’m talking about how you feel about you. Your whole self.

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This is my body

This is my body. There are many others like it, but this one is mine. My body is my best friend. It is my life. I must love it as I must live my life. Without me, my body is useless. Without my body, I am useless…

I’ve heard a lot of talk this year about the lack of diversity in women’s bodies that are shown in the media. In fact, even within plus sizes, the models used to showcase plus size fashion are usually capped off around a size 14-16. Now, I’m not saying that there is anything wrong with those bodies, what I am saying is that it would be nice to see a bigger variety of body shapes and sizes, more body diversity. View Post

Learning to love my body

Learning to love my body: Meagan Kerr wears Hope & Harvest Nauticas Dress

When I saw that this week’s Aussie Curves theme was “Favourite Feature” it got me thinking about what part of my body I like the most. Which led me to thinking about when I didn’t like any parts of my body.
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Are you enough?

I'm Enough

When you look in the mirror, how do you feel about yourself? What do you see? If your answer is along the lines of “unattractive” or “not so hot”, you’re not alone. There are a lot of women who don’t like what they see in the mirror… View Post

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