This week’s Aussie Curves theme was vulnerable, and here I am: without make-up, and without clothes.
This week’s Aussie Curves theme was vulnerable, and here I am: without make-up, and without clothes.
Yesterday was the last day of New Zealand Fashion Week for media, and the second to last show I’ll be attending this week. The Miromoda show was the one I’ve been most looking forward to this week – so much so that on Tuesday I even had my nails done in honour of DMONIC INTENT’s collection (which they showed in the Miromoda showcase yesterday)! This is what I wore to the Miromoda showcase, which is a celebration of the amazing talent of our up and coming Maori designers:
When I walked in to the Viaduct Events Centre yesterday morning in between downpours, the first thing I noticed was the sea of black. As soon as the weather turns rubbish, everyone seems to forget the florals and bright colours of spring. I felt right at home! Fortunately I had a bright turquoise bag to liven up my outfit a little. View Post
So yesterday (day two of NZ Fashion Week) I had classes all day and was only able to attend one show. Fortunately, that show was Trelise Cooper, so it was a perfect finish to the day.
A minor side note – yesterday it was POURING down. I’m lucky that my lovely boyfriend drove me to and from the show and took photos of my outfit when I put it on today especially so I could share it with you. Best boyfriend ever. View Post
Day one of NZFW was really long, but with enough of a break between the shows that I was attending that I was able to go home to eat and change before coming back for the evening shows.