As you all know, I’m a big supporter of Australian and New Zealand fashion. If you’ve been following my blog for a while you will have seen awesome plus size fashion from brands like 17 Sundays, Chocolat, Hope & Harvest, Nyata and Sonsee Woman (to name just a few). Those five labels have something very important in common – they’ll be among the amazing plus size brands hitting the runway next month for Melbourne Fashion Week Plus 2016.
There are going to be a lot of exciting things happening during Melbourne Fashion Week Plus, and it should come as no surprise that I will be heading to Melbourne next month so that I can be there celebrating the great things that are happening in plus size fashion. I am going as the Blogger Ambassador for Melbourne Fashion Week Plus 2016, so I will be right there in the front row, ready to report back on the great things that are coming up.
There are four runway shows over the weekend and I hope you’ll join me if you can make it to Melbourne. If you’d like to head along you can pick up your ticket here. You can come along to just one show (how could you pick just one?) or if you’re a massive fashion lover like me, you can get a pass that will allow you to come to all of the runway shows.

Hope & Harvest
Runway One: Opening Night – Friday 26th August at 8pm
State of Liberty
Courtney ZOH
Buy tickets for Runway One here
Runway Two: Saturday 27th August at 7pm
High Society/Chocolat (this is a New Zealand label, woohoo!)
Alison Dominy Designs
Diane Covino
Coral and Co
Buy tickets for Runway Two here

Chocolat (left) and th.label (right)
Runway Three: Saturday 27th August 8.30pm
17 Sundays
Remi Ray London
Black Mob The Label
TH Label
Hope & Harvest
Embody Denim
Buy tickets for Runway Three here
Runway Four: Sunday 28th August 7pm
Miss Scarlett Did It
Active Truth
Beyond the Sea Swimwear
Buy tickets for Runway Four here

Active Truth
I will also be a panellist for the Feminism, Fashion and Fat Bodies panel on the Tuesday, talking about how having a plus size body impacts on fashion choices and availability, where feminism comes into fashion choices, how our own personal experiences as women can influence our choice in clothing, and how we present ourselves to a world that often doesn’t want to see us and the impact this can have. I’d love to see you there – you can grab a ticket for that here.
If you are planning on coming along, please come and say hello – I’d love to meet you! It’s going to be an awesome week with lots of fabulous fashion, and I can’t wait.
What show would you most like to go to?
Let me know if you’re planning on coming along!
Eee! I am SO excited to meet you!
I can’t wait to meet you too – not long to go now!
Can’t wait to meet you! 👏🏻
Me either, only three weeks until I fly out!