Brought to you by Warehouse Money
My trip to Melbourne is just around the corner (I fly out this weekend), and now that I have my travel plans sorted it is time to think about what I’m packing. Clothes are pretty easy, I planned my outfits as soon as I knew for sure that I was going (which might sound excessive but I was doing a wardrobe clearout and wanted to make sure I had all the things I wanted to wear squirrelled away safely). What’s important to me is what goes in my carry on bags – the bits and pieces I will have to keep my comfortable and entertained for my flight.
On a domestic flight, I keep things simple – I take a backpack with my laptop and charger, a bottle of water, my wallet, my sunglasses, some headphones and my phone. International flights are five (or more) times longer though, so I want to make sure I have everything I need to be comfortable and entertained while we are in the air. When flying internationally, it’s not just the time in the air you need to think of – you have a few hours to kill between check in and boarding, and there will be a wait after you land while you’re going through customs. I’ve also made sure I have checked the “prohibited and restricted items” list, because I once attempted to take scissors on a flight (I didn’t mean to, I forgot they were in my bag) and that didn’t go down well, and I know that there are a bunch of restrictions around the liquids etc that I can take in my carry on as well.

Some of my carry on essentials
What I’m taking in my carry on
Headphones: I know they usually give you headphones on the plane, but I never find them particularly comfortable so I like to bring my own pair that I know will fit me comfortably. I also like to be able to use them before my flight to listen to music while I’m killing time. I chose the iWorld Ear Candy Earbuds specifically because they have a case that I can store them in, meaning they won’t get tangled in my bag and they will be easy to find.
Neck pillow: My flight is pretty early in the morning and I know I’m going to be sleepy. My plan is to get in a couple of hours of sleep on the plane so that I am refreshed when I arrive in Melbourne and I can enjoy a full day of exploring, so I grabbed an Intrepid Travel Pillow that is soft and will make my nap nice and comfy.
Eye mask: Also essential for the sleeping plan! I find it really hard to sleep if there is light and movement around me, so I’m doing everything I can to block that out. The ones I’ve used on planes in the past have been quite lightweight, so I went for an Intrepid Fleece Eye Mask that is a little bit sturdier.
Kindle: I got given a Kindle Paperwhite for my birthday and this is the ultimate time for me to use it. I don’t get a lot of time to read, so I always use travel as a great time to catch up on that. I’ve got a bunch of books already downloaded and ready to read, so there is no danger of running out of reading material while I’m away.
Face wipes: I don’t like to wear makeup when I fly, because my skin ends up super dry and gross. I like to let my skin have a chance to breathe, so it’s makeup free for me and I take face wipes so that I can refresh myself after being on the plane or if I’ve had a nap. These also come in handy for a general refresh if your flight is delayed for any reason. I love these Yes To Cucumbers Soothing Facial Wipes because they’re gentle and leave my skin feeling clean and refreshed.
Sunglasses: It’s probably going to be dark before I fly out (I have a super early flight), and that means the sun will be coming up while I’m in the air. Sunglasses are an absolute must for me (when I’m not sleeping) because it can get super bright up there! I’ll also need them when I arrive at my destination, so I picked up a pair of Beach Works Wayfarer Sunglasses that I know will go with any outfit I’m wearing while I’m away.
A change of clothes: In all my travel I’ve never had my luggage go astray (touch wood), but I like to have a change of clothes on hand in case that does happen or my flight is delayed. I choose things that are lightweight and won’t take up a whole lot of room in my backpack. A merino top and some fresh underwear and socks, and I’m good to go!

Mid-flight napping essentials: check
Other things I make sure I take on board include my phone charger (not something I want to be without should my bags go astray!); my laptop in case I get a chance to do a bit of work while I’m waiting for my flight (also definitely not something I would ever put in my checked luggage); and a wrap to keep me warm and act as a blanket or a scarf depending on where I’m at in my journey.
As I’ve already mentioned, I decided to get a Warehouse Money Visa Card for my trip to cover things like the deposit for my hotel room. I used it to pick up most of my carry on essentials last week, because when you use it at The Warehouse (either in store or online) you get a 5% discount on almost all purchases, something that has come in very handy leading up to my trip! I want to be able to do a bit (okay, potentially a lot) of shopping while I’m on my trip, so any extra savings I can sneak in is very helpful!
What do you pack in your carry on?
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Hello Meagan, I am going to be at the Saturday night runway shows at MFW+ but I really don’t know what to wear. I have never been to a fashion show before particularly one on a Saturday night. How dressed up should I get? Should I dress like I was going to the pub or more like the theatre or am I totally off track altogether?
Hey hun, you can get as dressed up as you like – if there was ever a time to go all out then a fashion show is definitely it! If you have clothes by one of the designers showing you could wear that, or even just have a look at their previous collections and wear something inspired by them if you don’t. I think the most important thing is to wear something that you’re comfortable in and feel great in. See you there (make sure you come say hello) x
Hi Meagan. It’s getting close! Exciting! I took only carry on recently for a 2 night 2 day trip to Melbourne. I usually read books in the Kindle app on my phone. I also take a notebook and pencils to draw/write/doodle. I like to keep my chargers with me too. One thing I did at the hotel this time was unpack properly. I also used a takeaway coffee cup as a makeup brush holder (rinsed and dried). I took a small shaving mirror and used phone books to give it height. Useful if you want to sit at a desk and do your make-up. Really interested to hear what clothing treasures you find – I haven’t had much luck over there but probably not looking in the right places.
Great thinking Anna, I love being able to unpack, especially if I’m away for a longer period of time. If I’m living out of a suitcase I find that things get messy pretty fast! Stay tuned for clothing treasures, I will definitely share my finds when I get back x