Brought to you by Dermalogica
Everyone has some kind of stress in their lives – it might be studying for exams, a new baby, having a looming deadline, a big event coming up … it looks different for all of us. At the moment, my main form of stress centres around being unwell and my recent surgery – pretty unsurprising, really.
For me, stress shows up in a few ways. I feel exhausted but find it hard to sleep; I find it really difficult to focus; I start burning the candle at both ends; I snap at people around me; my skin breaks out and it also affects my appetite. Obviously not ideal! Dermalogica launched their new Stress Positive Eye Lift recently and it got me thinking about how I react to stress. I wanted to share how I make sure I’m looking after myself when I am going through a stressful time, and give you a chance to try out some of that Stress Positive Eye Lift for yourself.
My usual response is to stress is to really focus on it which, if I’m honest, doesn’t really help – I just end up feeling pressured. So here are five ways that, over the last month, have helped me to deal with the stress in my life.
1. Pick your battles
That one stressful event has triggered lots of other things that I worry about: When will I be able to walk again? What if the tumour grows back? When will my brain fog clear so that I can actually finish a blog post in one go? Is my boyfriend sick of running around after me yet? Am I a burden? When will I be able to work full time again? What will I do about money? Maybe I should hire someone to weed my garden, I’m sure the neighbours stare at how over grown it is and judge me. It’s so hard to get to sleep because I can’t roll over and get comfortable. Have I been drinking enough water? I can’t have, my skin is so dry…
If ALL of the things are stressful then I figure that I either need a complete life change or I need to figure out which ones are actually things I need to worry about. The only things I can do anything about are making sure I do my physiotherapy exercises; giving my body what it needs to heal (food, water, rest, medication); and just trusting that healing takes time.
2. Self care
Because I focus on the things causing me stress, sometimes I forget my basic self care. Making sure I’m eating well, exercising, remembering to wash my face etc. is an important part of giving my body what it needs (not to mention, those things will help my body to heal!).
3. Shift the focus
Do you have hobbies? I recently realised that I don’t really, because the hobbies that I did have, I turned them into my job. Some people have suggested colouring, knitting and painting, but those things really aren’t my forte. Instead, I’ve fallen back in love with reading and have been doing a lot of that lately – there’s just something about losing yourself in a good book! I have friends sending me lots of cute pictures of their dogs and when I’m feeling up to it I want to go out and pat some puppers!
4. Switching off
When I’m stressed about something I have the tendency to throw myself into work (which, by the way, does not help on the stress front!). I’m making an effort to limit my work hours, to turn off my computer and to switch off from social media. I really struggle with this, but sometimes I need it – even if it’s just for a couple of hours.
5. Pampering myself
Baths, massage, facials … this is is the part of self care that I don’t get to do every day but is a really important part of looking after myself. It’s important because it’s me taking the time to treat myself. Baths are out while my knee is healing, but facials are most definitely still an option. Bonus points because I get to do them at home while wearing my pyjamas.
I’ve started using the Dermalogica Stress Positive Eye Lift as part of my pampering – it’s the first eye product that I’ve really gotten excited about, mostly because of the cooling metallic applicator that is oh so soothing on the eyes. Forget slapping cucumbers or cold tea bags on your eyes (did anyone else try that out as a teenager?), this does a whole bunch of lovely things for the sensitive area around your eyes and you can use it to give yourself a mini-treatment.
SHOP IT: Dermalogica Stress Positive Eye Lift (RRP $115) is available from their website and at authorised Dermalogica skin centres.
WIN IT: The team at Dermalogica have given me three tubes of Stress Positive Eye Lift to give away! To enter, let me know what is stressing you out at the moment and one positive thing you’re going to do to help yourself get through it, then click here to subscribe to our free fortnightly updates. You can unsubscribe at any time if you change your mind – it just makes it easy for us to contact you if you win (plus it means that you get style, self love and other awesomeness directly to your inbox!). If you’re already a subscriber then great – all you need to do is comment below. The winner will be drawn on 22nd May 2017.
Please note that you must have a New Zealand postal address to enter this giveaway. If you’re not in New Zealand, never fear – good things will come your way soon enough.
What’s stressing you out right now?
Let me know about it in the comments below

This post was brought to you by Dermalogica. Please support the brands that support this blog
My stress at the moment is money. With an unemployed flatmate I’m under extra pressure.
Would love to win this My skin is showing stress and damage after the recent changes in my living conditions. It is all taking its toll on me. New house, no job at the moment ….. all adding to worries. Trying to budget for household expenses on a minimum income and then kids just playing up – fighting with each other and at school. I guess they feel my stress too
I recently lost my unborn baby a few months ago, I’m finding that everything from my bills to my hair looking strange stresses me out. I also have a toddler at home and I study from home too. I’m a big people pleaser so I don’t say no very often, which means I take on everyone else’s stress to. I just try to be a good person really
I’m so sorry to hear that Kara, sending lots of love your way xo
Work is my stress at the moment! We have two significant changes happening at the same time, and trying to shield my team from the worst of the pressure means I end up bearing the brunt a lot of the time. To take care of me, I’m making sure to resist the temptation to work through breaks, and instead I’m making a point of getting fresh air every day.
Good on you for making sure you get those breaks in – so important!
Stress? Where do I start . I opened my salon this year and I’m also a solo mummy . Plus I’m organising a pink ribbon event for 150 people and I’m just absolutely and utterly exhausted- I ended up with the full on Flu and went to hospital last week . I would love a pick me up 😀
Yikes, sounds like things are pretty full on for you! What are you doing to help you get through the stress Amy?
I definitely need to learn to pick my battles. I chose to take leave to stay home with our baby who is now 9mo. But instead of staying home I’ve said yes to everything that’s come my way (community fundraisers, volunteering etc etc) and in the end have ended up constantly on the go with a baby in tow and without pay! To top it off… the only person I could rely on broke his collarbone three weeks ago and so I’ve been carrying the load since – three kids, animals galore…. and the Mr, who can’t wash or dress himself.
Sounds like you might need to start saying no! Don’t feel guilty about it either – you need to have time for you and your family as well remember! xo
I’m generally a very easily stressed person. I suffer from anxiety so even the smallest thing like being on time stresses me. The big thing right now is I’ve been looking for a job for 3 and a half years. I’m a teacher so can relief teach, but without a job I can’t register. So that means I have to think about maybe doing something else. I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do 😔 so I guess that’s the biggest stress right now and has been for a long while.
Hope you find a great job soon Sheree, great to hear that you can relief teach in the meantime x
65 teenages, 16 hours, stage challenge competition. It’s enough to drive anyone up a wall. The spirit, it’s too much.
I remember Stage Challenge all too well – I did it for four years. SO. MUCH. FUN.
just about everything! fertility treatment, dental treatment in a different town, work, home organisation, gym- i need to do more & better, food – why cant i just not! sleep, the weather!!- its freezing meant to snow hasn’t yet.
Sounds like everything is pretty full on for you! What are you doing to help you get through the stress Elizabeth?
Navigating life with a two and four year old, my blog, my store and just life – so busy! My eyes could certainly do with a refresh 😊
Always so busy! What are you doing to help you get through the stress babe?
When I’m stressed I totally let myself go. I forget skincare and make up.
My main stress is losing my job recently through being made redundant, there is no jobs in my area which is small and rural so I am trying to reinvent myself and create my own business online to help pay the bills and keep us above water, many long days and nights tolling behind a PC has taken a toll on my eyes and I am facing a huge bill to upgrade my glasses at my next routine appointment I can feel it. My skin is sagging and the wrinkles are setting in faster than I like it, but I live life with the feeling that it will all be better in the end so I find solace in that =) Anything that can help my ageing skin and fight the wrinkles I am all in for right now
Sounds like you’re pretty on to it with creating your own opportunities, well done Kirsty!
I’ve been very stressed the last year. I thought that by working only part-time I would have the time and energy to focus on others things, including my partner’s business, teaching dance and getting back into performing. Instead I found myself with less time (I don’t even know how) and feeling very overwhelmed with everything. I also have a terrible habit of saying yes to everything, which only adds to an increasing to do list. One of the things I have started doing is a little self-care, by learning to say no. It’s actually been quite freeing and not as hard as I thought it would be and people aren’t offended or hurt when you are upfront about your time constraints!
I’m a yes person too, so I totally understand! I’ve been learning to say no this year and it’s helped so much – and like you said, people aren’t offended or hurt when you are upfront about your time constraints. I think a lot of it is our own expectations of ourselves, and realising that we can’t do everything.
I’m taking my mama down to Wellington hospital for a biopsy on her lungs . We will be there about 4/5 days I’ll be staying in a whanau house at the hospital I will need this treat after that I don’t sleep much when I’m away from home when your routine is outta sync. And not knowing the area I’ll try keep myself sane by going out for a walk or treat for tea while resting hours are at the hospital .
Hope your mama’s biopsy goes well Rachael xo
My stress is totally brought on all by myself. Unable to say no to people means I am running around like a headless chook with no time to spare!
Saying no is hard isn’t it? Remember that you need to fill your cup first Amanda, so don’t be afraid to take time for you xo
Yeah– this time of year can be extra stressful– it is darker and it makes it harder to ‘wake up’ properly all day- sometimes it feels like I’m just doing a half-assed job of too many things! I’ve been stressed by my endo, doing the taxes, sorting out my homeschooled daughter’s schooling, running the household– and then I set myself deadlines for my own work on top of it to beat myself up about! It helps to do a little something you enjoy every day– I’ve been listening to podcasts while I do boring day to day stuff– it keeps your brain engaged and helps you feel connected to the wider world!
Yes, the weather adds in to it too! Especially if you’re heading off to work in the dark and coming home in the dark! Doing something you enjoy every day is a great idea, any podcasts you recommend?
My stress has been having my husband working out of town for the past 5 months, we have an almost 3 year old, it’s been challenging having no support, i take my hat off to solo mums!
I bet you’re doing a great job Steph!
Finding my balance. Work, family, me. Love all of it, but sometimes it all gets totally overwhelming! Work is a big culprit, but reminding myself that I can realistically complete three tasks a day (Anyone feeling overwhelmed at work needs Tony Crabbe’s Busy book…A-MAZING) really helps, and often means more tasks get finished in work hours. My go-to stress reliever is hanging out with my kids; they remind me everyday who my priorities are. (Also, I would LOVE to try the eye cream, thanks for the opportunity!)
I love that – three tasks a day is totally manageable! I’m going to add that book to my to-read list, thanks for the recommendation 🙂
I am an over-thinker and at the moment every little thing is stressing me out! I am also getting married at the end of the year and money is stressing me out as I’m self employed there is no guarantee how much I will or won’t book to keep the payments rolling over! I have terrible sleeps, if I manage sleep and it’s really having an effect on my day to day moods. I also feel like I am starting to look my age which is freaking me out! Funnily enough I’ve just picked up a book – something I haven’t done since being pregnant, and it’s been amazing. I can read when I can, there is no pressure to commit to certain times etc like some hobbies. I’m reading about Roses, super boring but something I haven’t learnt much about and I’m a gardening fiend – that’s my Summer destresser and I’m missing it. Thanks for letting me vent!
Self employed life + getting married is a stressful combo! Glad to hear you’ve found something to help you unwind, I’m always very envious of your green thumb (mine is the opposite haha)
Trying to balance work, 20 week challenge and family commitments is a real struggle right now. Going to try some more self care! Great article! 🙂
Thanks Anna! More self care is a great response to stress, especially if you’re like me and forget to make yourself a priority in those stressful times
I just signed the paperwork for a pretty big mortgage. I know it sounds like so many people’s dream but I will be paying it all myself and I’m really worried about how I’m going to manage everything.
So I’m incredibly grateful but it’s also incredibly stressful.
Congratulations! That’s a pretty big deal and I can understand how it would be stressful. Make sure you’ve got a budget set out and you stick to it, and you’ll be fine xx
I’m stressing out over a trip I’m going on next week! Yeah – stressful most would say lol. But, I have never been away from my 2 little ones before (4&5) & although I know they’ll be very safe & happy, It’s still got my heart racing at all the possibilities. I feel like I’m too old & gross to be going anywhere special, definately need a sleep before I go!
The first trip away is always going to be the hardest, but I bet you’ll have a good time (and so will they!), and then you will have loads of things to tell each other about when you’re back!
Not having enough money for my bills is stressing me out at the moment, as I’m unemployed, single & live alone. But one of the positive things I do to help myself get through is dance my bum off to my fav tunes & appreciate the little/simple things in life, which mean so much. 🙂 There’s nothing like some at home pampering where u can wear your pj’s, is there? 🙂
At home pampering in pjs is awesome! Especially when you can dance it out as well 😃
hubby isnt well and the prognosis is complete kidney failure at some point BUT we’re being positive by being informed trying to be as proactive as possible and we know we’re in good hands with an amazing renal team and that dialysis isnt the worst thing in the world even tho he’s older and has other health problems. But we’re operating as a team and a loving family and making sure we all make the best of everyday 🙂 I find going for a long walk in parks along the beach helps me a lot
So sorry to hear he’s unwell Debbie, sending lots of love to you both. Glad you’re making the most of your days x
Hey so I suffer from PTSD so have a lot of broken sleep and night Terror’s etc I am perminantly under stress its part of the disorder. I take my meds and pretend to lead a normal life but to be honest I’m sinking on the inside. I have heart conditions that play up and also have torn my Achilles and my knee is stuffed. Would love to try this would be great to look like I get a peaceful sleep it looks amazing. And if anyone else was to be nominated I would say if anyone is stressed its my mum but she would never complain lol.
Sounds like you need a bit of TLC, lovely. It’s hard when your body is in a constant state of stress, just remember to be kind to yourself ❤️
I’m stressed out about trying to juggle everything as a single Mum so when it all gets a bit much I run a deep bath,dim the lights and have a soak.Then jump into some warm pjays and watch hilarious cat videos on youtube while in bed.
Going it alone is hard, but you’ve got this Mama! That bit of downtime sounds lovely xo
Being unemployed and broke was stressing me out but that is now relieved by finding a job. Now I am a bit stressed (kinda excited stress) at the thought of my first day tomorrow and if I will do well
Congratulations on your new job Carolyn! I hope your first day went well xo
At the moment I’m dealing with a verbally abusive coworker management not doing anything About it…. trying to relax when I get home not helping much as been getting migraines and stomach troubles. So I’m job hunting again had couple positive interviews
I’m so sorry to hear you’re dealing with that Sheryl, that sounds horrible. Best of luck with the job hunt!
Being full time at work, having a child who has almost constant meltdowns when im home (due to autism overload) and a surgery coming up im very stressed atm. Try and just focus on one thing at a time. Dont sweat the small stuff and do one thing for myself if i can even if its a sneaky coffee break.
Sometimes a sneaky coffee is just what you need!
6 children, full time study, treasurer for the kids hockey club, ptsd and depression sufferer…all majorly stressful. I’m learning to make a bit of time each day just for me and to remind myself of the positive things in my life and how lucky I am to have what I have.
Sounds like your life is very full! Taking that time for yourself is so important xo
My parents are currently going through a messy break up and ive been spending a lot of my time worrying about them and being a support person to both of them. I havent been taking anytime for myself so this week I am taking to time to have a pamper evening (face mask, do my nails, listen to some music and take a bath) I cant wait 😊 Thank you for you post and suggestions.
Sorry to hear that Christie. I’m glad you’re taking some time for yourself, a pamper evening sounds wonderful xo
I also suffer from anxiety and have found that I was burning the candle at both ends. Over the last month I have taken some time out to reflect back on my life and what stressing me out. Eventually I choose to give up one of my jobs. Although it was a hard decision to make I know I have to put my self first.
Good on you for putting yourself first Tracey! ❤️
At the moment I’m waiting for some medical test results which is making me a tad stressed. What I am doing is making sure I eat healthy and get some exercise so that I can deal with whatever comes my way.
Fingers crossed those results come back okay Shirley! Taking care of yourself in the meantime is a great idea xx
In the process of buying a house and while we are really fortunate to be able to do this, it’s a reallllly stressful time! Stress has been making me ill and sleep, yea well those bags under my eyes would need their own check-in if I was flying anywhere!
Great article with some really great tips. X
I know buying that house has been a really long and stressful process for you guys! Keeping my fingers crossed everything settles soon and you can start planning that housewarming xo
I am coming off of anti-depressants whilst also packing up house. Moving is incredibly stressful but add not feeling well, all the withdrawal symptoms, I’m finding it incredibly difficult to ‘keep calm’.
Coming off meds can be really hard, especially when you’re doing something stressful like moving! Have you got a plan to give yourself time out when you’re not feeling calm?
I’m stressed enough to have developed an anxiety disorder. Work is busy and hard, we are hemoraging staff due to lack of caring management, the load falls On those left, we are being restructured and I’m affected, my diabetes and asthma are playing up badly and we have night works on our street and road continuously so we can’t sleep. 10 year old up and crying at 3am because she’s so tired, hubby and I having to take time off work… I’m sending this from the Docs office… I’m getting professional help on all fronts, trying to self care (in between kids and sports) and getting a mediation app. I still feel positive, but it’s getting harder and harder. Love to all those struggling out there, you are not alone. Phone a friend!
I’m sorry to hear that Theresa, I suffer from anxiety as well so I totally feel ya on that one! It sounds like you have an awful lot on your plate at the moment, so I’m sending big hugs your way. I’m really glad to hear that you’re getting professional help and I hope things ease up for you soon ❤️
Hubby started his own business a year ago, I went from stay at home mom to head of HR, secretary, printer, and ad manager. Plus all the mom roles and now we are neck deep in adopting my sons 2 best friends (brothers) who the state has removed from their family. On top of my mom having advanced stage 4 breast cancer. At the end of the day we are blessed to have our jobs, my mother’s treatment is going well and the state hasn’t told us No about the boys. Long baths after the kids are in bed helps a lot and of course No Do Saturdays are wonderful. We don’t leave the house and spend the day watching movies and ordering food. Me not having to cook for 1 whole day is the best.
I’m very stressed about a huge pile of paperwork that I never get too – I work 50 hours a week and don’t feel that I need to do any more hours! The only thing keeping me sane is my puppy!
Great read, thank you for the reminder on the different ways we can care for ourselves. For me it’s the standard work life balance. It is stressful! I work in end of life care, and the stress felt from families during the many home visits in one day – is phenomenal. I hold it in my shoulders, and it is written all over my face with major acne! I can erase it in photos but not real life. The acne stresses me too, vicious cycle. currently I’m sewing as a stress release, I love to sew! So calming.
I’m feeling continually stressed at the moment as I’ve just started back at work after my third child, and finding the work/life balance is getting totally out of kilter. My husband works away from home during the week, so I spend most of my day driving around between school, daycare, work and numerous after school activities. My house work is mounting up – and I can’t stand it. I’m trying to set aside a few kid free hours each week to get on top of it, and hopefully squeeze in some ‘me time’ too…..wish me luck 😉
Teaching teenagers and doing extra curricular is stressful at the moment. I try and get my alone time. I’ve found it’s the only way to switch off from social media and people
I try and relax by reading a book in my room before bedtime.
Switching off from social media and reading before bed is a great idea (and can spark some fun dreams too!), great idea Swati 😀
I feel stressed at home sometimes as my partner can just be soo negative about so many things. I love getting out in the garden for the piece and also find a good walk helps
I’m sorry to hear that Shirley *hugs* Glad you’re able to find some peace outdoors ❤️
Supporting my son through Family Court so he is able to see his son is such a stressful time for me. The NZ court process is so slow.
I’m going to start a Self Care Plan for myself to help me find some ‘calm’.
If anyone has a working SC template I’d appreciate any pointers 👍
A stressful time indeed, best of luck. I don’t have a template but that’s a really good idea, I might have to come up with one!
Major life decisions are stressing me out at the moment. Whether to even attempt to buy a house in Auckland, or to move to the region’s. Whether or not to continue in my current job that I studied so hard for but am not enjoying. I’m trying to not take everything quite so seriously and to enjoy the many wonderful things in my life!
All of the BIG decisions! Remember that it’s okay to have to change the plan Cc – I went to uni with a fixed idea of what I was going to do when I graduated, and life has led me on a totally different path!
The thing that’s stressing me out is that I still can’t effing walk after my brain injury five years ago I thought it would be quite easy to walk after I had the operation on my leg last year (Achilles lengthening and tendon transfer) I can walk using a walking frame but am in a wheelchair a lot of the time and I hate it!!!! I was two weeks off my 2nd full marathon when I crashed so not being able to walk on my own is killing me and I’m dying to get back to my job as a personal trainer
To get through it I’m just going to continue working very hard at rehab which I’ve been doing for five years
That’s definitely not something that has a quick fix, and I really feel for you. It’s so frustrating not being able to be your active self, isn’t it? You’ve come such a long way Chloe (even though some days it might not feel like it), keep up all your hard work xo
Yeah brain injury sucks and because I was two weeks off my 2nd full marathon it’s especially hard I get soooooo frustrated because even babies can walk at some point and I already did that….thanks though 😊 I’ll keep working hard
Still sooooooo frustrated I thought after my surgery last year on my leg it would just come back to me and it would be back to normality turns out it’s not that easy
Work is stressing me at the moment. So busy. Sometimes I do not think I am dealing with it very well at all. But I am making sure I have breaks when I need them and try to get outside during lunch time to sit in the sun and enjoy.
Sorry to hear that work is stressful Debra, glad you’re taking those breaks though – sounds like they’re a much needed chance to recharge!
I have been juggling working part-time, with my own personal work and looking after my father. Who has vascular dementia. As well as try to look after my mum. There is only me, I am an only child. It has been stressful as the caregiver’s have not been satisfactory in their job in helping my day. Some days they just make the whole situation worse. And it just makes me really frustrated and stressed. I have found, the one thing that helps is. Giving myself an hour out of the day just for me. I usually use to go to the gym or pool. Or just get out. It gives me time to relax, regroup and feel better about everything.
Glad to hear that you’re giving yourself that hour Alexandra, it sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate but taking care of you is super important ❤️
I’d say the main stress in my life is time management. I’m currently trying to juggle study, part time work, relationship and a social life while also trying to keep fit and healthy, get enough sleep and also have enough time just for me.
Trying to squeeze everything into the day is a hard one Natalie! How are you managing it? I find that having a schedule helps AND making sure you set aside time for things like exercise, social life, date nights etc