Advice to my younger self

New Zealand plus size fashion blogger Meagan Kerr wears You Hit The Spot Dress from Taking Shape

Last week I turned 35. I know that we are apparently meant to be afraid of ageing (well, that’s what I assume given the amount of ads I see talking about anti-ageing creams and botox and the like), but I embrace it. I’m embracing the adventures I’ve had over the last 35 years, the wonderful memories I’ve made and the wisdom that comes with experience. I’ve got a lot of friends who didn’t make it to 35 so I’m determined to damn well treasure the fact that I am here.

When I was younger I thought I was hot shit. I thought I knew it all and no one could tell me otherwise. I was a bit of an arrogant dickhead to be honest, and looking back I cringe at some of the things I’ve said and done. And so I thought I’d share a bit of advice from my experience with life so far – to my younger self (not that I would have listened), to my teenage stepson, and maybe a bit to my current self? Sometimes I need a reminder, we all do. View Post

Review: Body Glide

Body Glide anti-chafing balm

Every year I get people asking me what I use to help with thigh chafing, or chub rub. I’ve written about this a few times before (here and here). Lots of people have suggested Body Glide, so last summer I picked some up and gave it a go. Now that I have thoroughly tested it over the last year, I want to let you know what I thought. View Post

Review: Landwhale by Jes Baker

New Zealand plus size blogger Meagan Kerr reads Landwhale by Jes Baker

Jes Baker (aka The Militant Baker) is seriously fucking funny. And she makes me cry. Basically, her writing manages to throw me from one end of the spectrum of human emotion to the other and back again. You might remember that I was a huge fan of Jes’s first book Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls, so it will probably come as no surprise that I pre-ordered my copy of her latest book Landwhale long before it came out. View Post

2019 Reader Survey

This is Meagan Kerr 2019 Reader Survey

I’m planning some exciting things for 2019 and I want to bring you along for the ride. It’s really important to me to create content that you want to see, so I’d love for you to take part in our 2019 Reader Survey. View Post

Fat Shaming and Family

Meagan sits at Wagamama restaurant wearing a black dress with hot pink piping around the collar. In front of her is a table with various dishes of food

A lot of people find the holidays incredibly stressful for many reasons, and one of those is the time they spend with family. If loving your body or finding body peace/neutrality wasn’t hard enough, the added influx of body negativity from others makes it doubly hard. Comments about weight gain/loss, equating weight and health, comments about food eaten/not eaten, diet talk, negative comments about our bodies, fat shaming … it’s exhausting. I’ve got a few ways of dealing with this, not just for the holidays but all year round, so I thought I’d share them with you – let me know if you’ve got anything to add. View Post

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