How to be body confident in the bedroom

Meagan Kerr wears Autograph Plus Size Lingerie // How to be body confident in the bedroomPin this image on Pinterest

I get a lot of people asking me about having sex as a fat girl and how to be body confident in the bedroom, so I thought it was about time we sat down and had “the talk”. So let’s talk about sex, baby!

Whether you’re getting in to bed with a new partner and feeling a bit shy, wanting to be a bit more adventurous, coming to terms with your body changing, or just feeling a bit self conscious about bits that jiggle, it’s okay. I get it. Learning to love your body is one thing, but getting naked with another person (or more than one person) is a whole other deal altogether, right? Not to worry babe, I’ve got your back! View Post

How to be body confident at the beach

This is Meagan Kerr in plus size swimwear by elomi and Autograph // How to be body confident at the beachPin this image on Pinterest

My first ever experience with body shaming was when I was wearing a swimsuit, so it probably comes as no surprise that I spent a lot of time agonising over wearing one as a teenager and in my 20’s. I remember going to the beach in board shorts and a baggy t-shirt, with my one piece underneath, feeling very self-concious – a far cry from the cocky, confident person I was on the swim team a couple of years beforehand. Things have changed a lot over the last few years, and now I feel completely at home in a bikini. I get a lot of people saying that they wish they felt so confident in a swimsuit, so I thought I’d share a few of my tips on how to be body confident at the beach (or where ever it is that you’re swimming!). View Post

Loving the body you have right now

I’ve had a few requests to share the speech I gave at the Lovely Larger Ladies Fashion Event last weekend, so here you go – without the ums, ahs, and me dropping my notes. Grab yourself a cuppa and a comfy chair, and let’s talk about loving the body you have… and sometimes not loving it.

"Loving the body you have right now" Meagan Kerr speaking at Lovely Larger Ladies Fashion Event 2015. Photo by Emma JoycePin this image on Pinterest

After refusing to be in a family photo one Christmas because I so desperately hated how I looked, I made my New Year’s resolution to develop a healthy relationship with my body. View Post

Body positive hashtags to follow on instagram

Body positive hashtags to follow on instagram // Meagan KerrPin this image on Pinterest

Need a little bit of a body positive boost? Instagram is jam packed with awesome posts from babes sharing the body love, and no matter what size or shape you are, you’re bound to find some fab self love inspiration. Not sure where to start? here are some of my top body positive hashtags to follow on instagram View Post

11 Body Positive Instagrammers You Should Follow

11 Body Positive Instagram Accounts You Should FollowPin this image on Pinterest

With Instagram making the hashtag #curvy unsearchable last week, and Oprah Magazine’s recent advice that you should only wear a crop top if you have a flat stomach (spoiler alert: that’s a complete load of bullshit), I think we need a bit of a body positive shake up! So here are some of my favourite body positive Instagram accounts – check them out and let me know if there are any others you’d recommend. Let’s get this body positive party started! View Post

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