
Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes | Amber McCoy wears ModCloth You're In Luck Plus Size Pie DressPin this image on Pinterest

Amber was the first person that I photographed for my Fat Girls Shouldn’t Wear Stripes project, so I was super excited to meet up with her a couple of weeks ago to photograph her again. I love her fun, playful style of dress – I mean, pies? That’s awesome.

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes | Amber McCoy wears ModCloth You're In Luck Plus Size Pie DressPin this image on Pinterest

What is your favourite place to shop?
Wow it is so hard to say, so I will be cheeky and say ‘The Internet’. I get a lot of my wardrobe from ModCloth, Pinup Girl Clothing, Chubby Cartwheels, Jessica Louise and Domino Dollhouse!

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes | Amber McCoy wears ModCloth You're In Luck Plus Size Pie DressPin this image on Pinterest

What/who inspires your fashion choices?
I pull a lot of different inspiration from everywhere, I would say overall I’m really inspired by silhouettes from the 50’s and 60’s, fitted tops and poofy skirts (I wear two petticoats under everything, everyday!). I love to incorporate modern, novelty patterns on classic silhouettes. The plus size positivity movement is full of people who inspire me – too many to name!

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes | Amber McCoy wears ModCloth You're In Luck Plus Size Pie DressPin this image on Pinterest

Why did you want to be involved in this project?
Gosh I almost didn’t! I remember the day that I emailed [Meagan] to ask if I could be involved and I was really scared! I was seeing plus size women start to emerge and reclaim themselves and I was so envious of their confidence! The idea of having my picture taken, especially in a swimsuit was so scary, but I really wanted to prove to myself I could do it. Now, you can’t stop me! I wanted to be involved so I could take a risk, improve my self-esteem, feel more confident. But what it has given me is so much more! I take so many more risks, I’m proud of my body (mostly) and I speak up about body shaming to whoever will listen!

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes | Amber McCoy wears ModCloth You're In Luck Plus Size Pie DressPin this image on Pinterest

If you have a day when you’re not feeling great about yourself, how do you deal with that?
I get down on myself a lot, and I do find myself comparing my body to others a lot, I have a nagging voice in the back of my mind (echoes of people who told me I wasn’t good enough growing up) that tells me I’m too fat to deserve [insert whatever here] but my strength is getting stronger! And the support of women who have been through or are going through similar struggles as me give me strength.

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes | Amber McCoy wears ModCloth You're In Luck Plus Size Pie DressPin this image on Pinterest

How do you show your body love?
BATHING! So many baths – I love to spend an evening pampering myself, hair treatment, scrub and moisturise, bath bomb, best! I’m also vegan and like to do clean eating or raw food weeks every now and then for a cleanse, makes me feel super energised!

Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes | Amber McCoy wears ModCloth You're In Luck Plus Size Pie DressPin this image on Pinterest

Can we just take a moment to talk about how cute Amber’s dress is? I couldn’t resist photoshopping in a cartoon pie (thanks to Sidon-S for this supreme pie picture!)

Amber wears:
Bea & Dot You’re In Luck Pie Dress from ModCloth
Belt from Farmers
Bumper Shoes from ModCloth


Fat Girls Shouldn't Wear Stripes | Amber McCoy wears ModCloth You're In Luck Plus Size Pie DressPin this image on Pinterest



  1. p
    July 1, 2015 / 11:09 pm

    ill never have the confidence I want to dress the way I want. Instead I dress in baggy men’s clothes. Do love your dress x you look great

    • July 3, 2015 / 11:51 pm

      Confidence takes work – if you work at it, it will grow xo

      • P
        July 4, 2015 / 3:03 am

        Thank you x any tip how I can build my confidence?

  2. March 1, 2015 / 12:23 am

    This is the cutest outfit of my LIFE! so beautiful, Amber has great taste!

  3. February 28, 2015 / 6:02 pm

    Love this post! You’re awesome Amber (and that dress is amazing!) XX

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