With Mother’s Day coming up this week, and my mom coming to stay for a whole month, I thought I’d share some advice from my mother. She’s wise, she’s witty and she’s my voice of reason. Especially when I’m being unreasonable.
On fashion_ “There’s a reason why it’s the last thing on the sale rack” Ever checked out the racks near the end of a sale and found a plethora of things with ugly prints, strange designs or horrid fabric? Do yourself, your wardrobe and your wallet a favour, and walk away. Just because it’s cheap, doesn’t mean it’s good.
On instinct_ “Learn to trust your instincts” For the most part I trust my instincts, but the times I haven’t have been pretty memorable. I got through to the second round of auditions for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire once, and I second guessed myself and changed my original answer from the correct one to a wrong one! Totally missed my chance to meet Eddie McGuire and become a millionaire. For the record, this advice also applies to relationships, personal safety and whether or not I should eat food past it’s expiry date.
On peer pressure_ “If I can’t do it in front of my mother I probably shouldn’t be doing it” Sometimes your friends can convince you to do some things you’re not comfortable with. A good radar test is to ask yourself “would I do this in front of my mom?” – if the answer is no then you probably shouldn’t be doing it. A side note – this does not apply to sex. That’s one thing you shouldn’t be doing in front of your mother…
On style_ “When you see someone whose style you admire, don’t be afraid to compliment them and ask them where they got their hair done/bought their dress etc” Personal recommendations are the best – and a great way to help you find that perfect frock/hairdo/pair of boots.
On hospitality_ “Always make sure you prepare enough food to feed all of your guests and a couple of extras” I was raised to make sure that everyone was welcome at my table, so I always make a little bit extra in case someone drops by or there is an extra guest. This way, there is enough food for everyone (and perhaps leftovers so you don’t have to cook tomorrow).

My mom and I – both super fabulous. Yes, we have matching sunglasses.
Do you have any words of wisdom from your mother that you’d like to share?
Title image adapted from Bill Benzon’s image, used under CC BY-SA 2.0
Best piece of advice from my mother was ‘just be yourself’. There were so many times growing up where that doesn’t seem like enough but at some stage I realised Mum was right.
Some great advice there =)
Fantastic advice! I didn’t receive much from my mother (she’s not really the sharing/emotional type), so most of it has been practical advice… cooking, gardening, parenting etc. Makes me a bit sad to realise that she hasn’t had any advice about making your way in the world, what I should expect from people, standing up for myself etc, which is probably why I’m late to the party in those respects. One day maybe we’ll have a big heart to heart.
Maybe she’s not sure what advice to give? Definitely makes you think about what you want to pass on to your own family, isn’t it?
Love No.1 – it’s so easy to think you’re getting a bargain and then realise you’ve never worn this weird item!
I’ve had so many of those times. When I clean out my wardrobe and think “WTF?” haha.
Awww, look at you two!! She’s a wise lady and she raised a stellar daughter!
Aww I love her fashion and style advice! You and your mama look gorgeous in your matching sunnies x
Hehehe love the matching sunnies, you guys are pretty darn cute.
Love the peer pressure and fashion advice, too true!!! Aren’t our mums the best. xx