I’ve recently been made aware that 30 isn’t that far away for me – 18 months, in fact. In light of this, and the impending new year, I thought that this is a great time to sit down and think about what I’d like from my future. Time for some goal setting.
I made a New Years Resolution two years ago to quit smoking, and am proud to say that as of 1st January 2013, I will have been smokefree for TWO WHOLE YEARS! That’s a pretty big deal, and not really something I thought I could achieve. So, now that I know that I have fierce determination and am extremely stubborn, it’s time to set myself some more goals.
I was inspired by Hannah at Dressed In Pixie Dust to create my own version of her 25 by 25 list (obviously doing a 30 by 30 because I have a couple of years on her …). I thought I’d share a few of them with you, both to encourage you to try something similar and because writing this down and sharing it makes me feel accountable!

Image: puuikibeach via Flickr
1. I will develop a healthy relationship with my body
No more obsessing over the numbers on the scale, no more stupid diets or exercising till I throw up, and no more crying because I’m not a size 8. I will love the skin I’m in, eat healthily (but still allow myself the occasional treat), exercise regularly and wear clothes that I feel good in.
Many thanks to fabulous fashionista @honorcurves and amazing model and make-up artist Cassie Ace, I am making the concious decision to #honormycurves!

Image: Jarkko Laine via Flickr
2. I will learn to bake Ciabatta
I love bread and have always wanted to make it but for some reason I never have. I am determined to master the making of bread (without the aid of a breadmaker!), especially ciabatta. Thanks to my twinny Hazel for sending me a recipe to get me started! Yum.

Image: @thisismeagankerr via Instagram
3. I will become comfortable in front of the camera
Over time I have become increasingly awkward in front of the camera. This probably has something to do with my negative self image (okay, definitely), and it’s something that has got to be remedied. If I can’t be comfortable in front of a camera then how can I expect my subjects to be comfortable in front of mine?

Image: @thisismeagankerr via Instagram
4. I will develop my medium format photography skills
My wonderful boything kindly got me a Mamiya RB67 for Christmas (so spoilt!), and I am determined to learn to use it as well as improving my film photography overall.
I love the way using film makes me slow down and consider my shots much more than when I am shooting digitally, really looking forward to this one.
5. I will experiment with makeup more, and try new things!
I am a fashion and beauty blogger, so this may surprise you: I’m not actually that great at applying makeup. I know, right? I pretty much always stick to the same natural-ish look and have only very recently started wearing lipstick.
Time to break out of the comfort zone and start experimenting with things that everyone else seems to have mastered, like smoky eyes, and using coloured shadow. Please be polite if you see me and I look like I’ve been shot with a make-up cannon! Hopefully I won’t though, and you may absolutely feel free to tell me if I look fabulous!
Some of my other resolutions include graduating, drinking more water and spending more time with my friends and whanau. Remember, your resolutions can be big or small!
What are your New Years resolutions for 2013?
Have you made your own 30 x 30 list?