You know how I said that I wanted to travel around New Zealand and take more photos for my Fat Girls Shouldn’t Wear Stripes project? Well, I’m going to be travelling down to Wellington in April, so let’s make this happen! View Post
Being Fat and Fabulous
Someone made a comment to me recently that my Fat Girls Shouldn’t Wear Stripes project was glamourising obesity. This wasn’t the first time that this comment has been made, and I doubt it will be the last considering that my project is about to be featured on one of our national current affairs shows, so I decided that it was something that I should respond to.

In case you’re unsure, here is a diagram to help you out…
Fat Girls Shouldn’t Wear Stripes
I am a fat person. On an almost daily basis I am told (either in person, via social media or through mainstream media) that because of my size I am not acceptable to society. I’ve heard it all – well-meaning family members expressing their concern about my cholesterol, people telling me I’d be so pretty if I lost weight, having a stranger whisper “Weight Watchers” under her breath as she walked past me in a department store, and comments about whales when I’m at the beach. View Post